Earth Pearl Collective SeedFund Fundraiser
“We do not want to separate ourselves, we want to differentiate our experiences so that we can gain a deeper understanding and have compassion for one another. Only then, can we begin to heal. This is equity.”
- Sadiqua Iman , EPC Artistic Director
What will we do if we reach our goal?

Healing Revolution Health Pop-ups
Taking community health care back to the community.
By combining accessibility and pop-up culture, EPC would bring local health practitioners to one location. In response to the inherent distrust in traditional western medicine-- due to a history of experimentation leading to a host of side effects, including sterilization, the pop-ups will emphasize natural and alternative health options. Practitioners we would bring to the community include: massage therapists, reiki practitioners, herbalists, meditation/movement artists, mental health practitioners,creative gardeners, and naturopathic practitioners. We will leverage practitioners who practice healing arts and holistic care that stems from and belongs to communities of color--reclaiming access to medicine that was traditionally practiced by people of color, but has since dissipated.

A Queer Womyn of Color Solo Series
Sovereign highlights the multifaceted aspects of queer womyn of color through interdisciplinary shows and events. We will be launching this project on December 12th, 2016 with singer/ film artist Be Steadwell at Theatre off Jackson.

Equipment and Supplies
Having the right tools to get the job done is essential.
Purchase office equipment and supplies that will allow our hardworking staff to work more efficiently and create marketing materials and products so that we can generate additional funding streams.

Production Cost
No more shows done out of our own pockets.
Opportunities arise all the time for us to collaborate with amazing artist and organizations, and if we have funding set aside for just those moments we would be better equip to take advantage of them.This would cover cost like venue rental, artists stipends, and documentation.
Need More Reasons to donate
Check out the videos below!
What can you do? Earth Pearl Collective has been run voluntarily since 2011. We now have the opportunity to grow through more continuous programming, products, and services! We are raising $10,000 to become a more sustainable non-profit organization.
We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, which means your donations to us are tax deductible!