Queer womyn of color operate in a state of triple jeopardy at all times. When these adversities are "embodied," beautiful, ugly, and truthful discoveries are made, especially around body image. Body Embodied is a month long exploration into this world through visual, performing, and literary arts, along with workshops and discussions.
Body Embodied is the brainchild of Earth Pearl Collective's Artistic Director, Sadiqua Iman Crutcher. Through figure modeling she was able to gain a new confidence and really appreciate the beauty of her imperfections. She wanted to encourage other womyn to take a step and do the same. In 2012, that encouragement came in the form of a fundraising project focused on creating an artistic nude calendar showcasing the diversity of queer womyn of color bodies and skin tones . Sadiqua Iman chose her favorite Chicago photographer, Ken Beach along with a group of amazing queer womyn of color volunteers to participate in this experience.
It was a truly unforgetable project. It began with shy and quiet encounters, everyone wrapped tightly in towels or blankets, but it turned into a retreat for all of us filled with bonding, sisterhood and affirmations which lead to proud strutting across the set completely nude. After the shoot, Sadiqua Iman decided to take that experience and offer it to other queer womyn of color communities across the country. Being a part of and working in the queer womyn of color community, we witness first hand the insecurities and trauma our community endures by merely existing.When you add on the stress of socio-economic disparities and stereo-types that have lived far beyond their trend, there is bound to be some vulnerability. We want to provide a safe space for these vulnarbilities to breath and turn into strengths.
Thanks to Core Art Gallery and The City of Seattle Office of Arts and Culture, Earth Pearl Collective is able to launch Body Embodied in the prestigious art district of Pioneer Square. There will be an ongoing art exhibit and a variety of events geared towards the politics of queer womyn of color's bodies from January 2nd-24th 2014. The images that started the project, that were never published in the calendar will be featured in our January show. Other artist that will be presenting work include Seattle painter Hadeev, and writer/photographer, Anastacia Tolbert. Highlights of the month of activities begin with an opening reception, then Miko Kuro's Midnight Tea will be hosting a special womyn of color arts ritual, a figure drawing class specifically for drawing womyn of color, and a writing workshop on how to use words,voice, and body to accept ourselves lovingly.
As an Earth Pearl Collective Project, Body Embodied invites queer womyn of color, both nationally and internationally, to partner with us to bring this project to your city.